PJJ van Rensburg Attorneys | A Pretoria based law firm

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To thrive in South Africa’s ever-changing economic landscape, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of your regulatory responsibilities, including compliance with the Financial

Given the current economic climate, many homeowners in South Africa might find themselves facing the challenge of keeping up with their monthly bond repayments. In

The matter of a medical certificate has raised questions for quite some time. Many employers believe that if their employees provide a medical certificate for

A servitude is a limited real right which entitles its holder either to the use and enjoyment of another person’s property or to insist that

It’s all well and good being paid out for your assets, but what about the foregone earnings in the meantime? Small business owners who have

When an employer’s failure to upload an IRP5 brings SARS to a grinding halt. One of my clients has recently retired and like all retirees,

Starting a business takes careful planning and involves compliance with certain legal requirements. It is important to understand the relevant regulations and legal requirements to

The Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) recently deliberated on whether a court sanction is necessary to validate the sale of shares owned by a trust

In many groups of companies, intra-group loans make sense as a way of funding the operations of the group. If the funds are sourced from