Owner or keeper of dog – who is liable for the harm caused by animals?
This issue was recently dealt with in length in the SCA matter of Van Meyeren v Cloete (636/2019 [2020] ZASCA 100 (11 September 2020), where the focus of the SCA was on the origins of a delictual claim brought under the “actio de pauperie”. This ancient legal remedy provides that “the owner of a dog that attacks a person who was lawfully at the […]
Divorce – Accrual – Living Annuities an Asset in The Estate
In the case of CM v EM it was held in the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa (“SCA”), case number 10861/2018, that: “The value of the Respondent’s right to future annuity payments in respect of Personal Portfolio Living Annuities (“the living annuities”) from Glacier Financial Solutions (Pty) Ltd, a member of the Sanlam Group, is […]
Does force majeure apply during COVID-19
Common Law position – in absence of a “force majeure” clause A force majeure is an act of God or man (such as a war, strike, riot, crime, plague, or an event described such as a hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), that is unforeseeable, out of the reasonable control of the parties to a […]