PJJ van Rensburg Attorneys | A Pretoria based law firm

Owner or keeper of dog – who is liable for the harm caused by animals?

This issue was recently dealt with in length in the SCA matter of Van Meyeren v Cloete (636/2019 [2020] ZASCA 100 (11 September 2020), where the focus of the SCA was on the origins of a delictual claim brought under the “actio de pauperie”. This ancient legal remedy provides that “the owner of a dog that attacks a person who was lawfully at the […]

Is it truly in the best interest of the child?

Section 28(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (“the Constitution”) states that a child’s best interests are of paramount importance in every matter concerning a child. Courts are thus mandated by the Constitution, which is the highest law in the land, to always give effect to what would be best for […]

Socially Distanced Witnessing

The last few weeks have seen huge changes in the way we live our lives. The demand for wills has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is understandable in the midst of a grave health crisis. As attorneys, we are able to work from home and have access to the necessary technology that enables agile […]