Can a Creditor Sell the Home of a Debtor to Recover Outstanding Debt?
Most South Africans today, are overburdened and overwhelmed with debt and are struggling to repay creditors. According to recent statistics, a third of people in South Africa with credit are struggling to repay their debts. This means, there are approximately 10 million people who are three months or more behind on debt repayments. This article […]
When can the Sheriff of the Court come knocking?
Have you ever heard about the Sheriff of the Court coming to collect your assets and auctioning it off in order to cover your unpaid debt? Is it legal and what are the procedures that must be followed in order for the Sheriff to obtain authorisation to attach your property? Is this even possible if you have not yet appeared in court? In […]
Understanding the debt review process
In these difficult economic circumstances, you may find yourself in a position where you are unable to pay your debt. The National Credit Act makes provision for debt management in the form of debt review by making an application to the court to restructure the payment schemes of all your creditors. It may be a […]