Who Owns Your Home—the Bank, or You?
With the vast majority of homes being financed through the country’s biggest banks, the popular online debate around who owns a mortgaged home in South Africa continues. While some would argue that the bank owns your home, the truth lies in two salient points: The authority that you elect to take on as soon as […]
The most reliable investment in the market
Buying real estate is more than finding the right home or location for your business – owning property is an investment that holds more benefits than you might know. Income Predictability While interest rates may alter mortgage repayments at first, real estate offers a somewhat constant financial investment. Once home loans are repaid in full, real estate offers the owner a constant income that does […]
Does force majeure apply during COVID-19
Common Law position – in absence of a “force majeure” clause A force majeure is an act of God or man (such as a war, strike, riot, crime, plague, or an event described such as a hurricane, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.), that is unforeseeable, out of the reasonable control of the parties to a […]
Why it is Essential to Have a Living Will
Summary: A Living Will contains written instructions to your family and medical professionals with regards to your wishes about medical treatment in circumstances in which you are not able to make informed decisions and/or give consent. To make a Living Will, you have to be older than 18 years of age and sound of mind. Article: A […]
The Perfect Renting Experience is Possible
For more than three-quarters of South Africa, renting a home is the answer to their residential needs. Many tenants, though, are falling into the cracks of the rental market due to their over-eagerness. In your hunt for the rental that meets your needs, don’t lose sight of what those needs are. If you’re looking for a home, a place to […]
Easy Steps To Help You Get Your Property Sale Going
Selling your property can often cause your hands to get itchy, or ants to start roaming where they have no business being. But more often than not rushing into the sale of the property leads to choices you’ll regret later. Several points need to be remembered once you’ve decided to take the plunge and dive […]
The Basics of South African Insurance Law
Summary: Insurance is an integral part of the functioning of society. It is designed to protect people against the occurrence of undesirable risk, in that the insurer renders to the insured payment of a sum of money, or the equivalent to a sum of money if the risk materialises. Insurance is not only for rich people, as it cuts across income brackets, countries and cultures. This article simplifies the complexities of […]