Why a Notary? – Part 1
Clients often ask why certain documentation must be authenticated or certified by a Notary and not by a Commissioner of Oaths. To answer this question, one must know and understand the role and functions of a Notary, also commonly known as a Notary public. A Notary is a public functionary authorised by the High Court […]
Resolving conflict the right way
Wikipedia’s definition of mediation is “a structured, interactive process where an impartial third-party assists disputing parties in resolving conflict through the use of specialised communication and negotiation techniques”. Mediation, when utilised in law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution. Parties that are involved in a dispute may choose the mediation process to resolve the issues between them, either before […]
Think Twice Before You Simply Accept Those Ts & Cs
In recent years the internet has transformed the commercial landscape and redefined the way we do business. The movement away from traditional paper and ink has led to the electronification of everything, including the conclusion of contracts. Online shopping, signing up for Uber, creating a Facebook profile – all subject to the familiar “I have read […]
Am I Still Contractually Bound During the Pandemic?
The novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has caused major disruptions worldwide since its outbreak in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The virus has also recently spread to South Africa and our government has reacted swiftly by introducing a state of emergency and promulgating certain regulations. Restrictions initially only limited the number of people who […]
Attitude is Everything, So Pick a Good One.
What makes a workplace successful, is not the combination of degrees and the work- experience of the employees, but their attitudes towards their work, their co-workers, and clients. Even the best combination of skills, knowledge, and experience would mean nothing without drive and attitude. The right attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is often […]